What does Reiki do ?

Connect to the universal energy… giving you the power to heal yourself when and where you need it…

Address problems and illnesses by healing the underlying energy imbalance that’s causing the disease…

The act of healing (yourself or others) is so universal in its effect that it could help prevent dysfunctions within the body—in all areas—not just the ones you’re specifically treating at the time.

Eliminate the stress and strain of modern life!

Reiki could calm you and empower you with the inner peace to handle anything that life throws your way. It could also give you the inner clarity you need to maintain poise and calm in the midst of any stressful or negative situation.

How does it feel ?

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you.

Open up your Chakras and attune your powers of intuition…allowing you to improve your self-confidence and make better decisions…

Reiki is a liberating spiritual practice that could reconnect you to your true self and enable you to see the direction you should be heading with better clarity.

Effects of Reiki…..

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. Many have reported miraculous results.Feel the inner joy and peace of healing others…

Enjoy the reward of knowing that you’re helping those who are in desperate need…and you’re sharing the gifts that you have been given using the power of Reiki…

This could bestow upon you a type of happiness nothing else can bring!

 Reconnect to your higher self…

Balance your mind…body and spirit by practicing these proven self-healing methods…

Discover your life purpose…

You could see—maybe for the first time—the things you need to move forward in life. Alleviate emotional and psychological traumas brought on by events of present and past lives.Many of us have had difficult even traumatic events occur in our lives that have left us, emotionally or psychologically scarred. Reiki could remove the energetic element that is attaching itself to your psyche; often removing the pain, anxiety and negative emotions these traumas left behind.

How do you become Reiki Healer/ Trainer?

An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student during a Reiki class.

This ability is passed on during an “attunement” given by a Reiki master which is preferably one on one but can be done through distance also  and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of “life force energy” to improve one’s health and enhance the quality of life.

To what level of Reiki -ho should I learn?

Reiki today is practiced in two formats:

A) Dento Reiki, the original form of Usui Reiki strictly following the form and process developed by Usui Sensei. This form is mostly practiced in Japan only.

B) Western Reiki on the other hand, is arranged in a practical and simplified way with European and American idea.  This form is what we know and widely practice today.

It is divided into 4 levels .

Level I– Acquire healing ability and learn how to cleanse energy.

Level II– Increase the healing ability and learn how to heal beyond time and space.

Level III– Change yourself by guidance of the Universe.

Level IV – Learn how to transmit energy , to taech and guide as a Reiki Master.

Is Reiki safe?

It is believed that Reiki energy works only for the Highest Good of every person and can NOT cause harm. It is safe for anyone and for any situations including pregnant women and children.

What is the main difference between Reiki and other Energy Healing modalities ?

Reiki has far more applications and functions than other “energy” healing. The quality and clarity of the received waves are crystal clear and does not . The healer does not use their own energy to heal and need not attain higher state of consciousness. It can be learned by anyone in a short time.

Is Reiki a religion?

No. It is not a religion. It is spiritual in nature, but there is no belief required in order to learn and use it. The beauty of reiki is that it will work regardless of whether you believe in it or not.

What other Reiki techniques exist in the world?

Tibetan Reiki, Shamballa, Sacred Path Reiki, Ascension Reiki, Tera Mai Reiki, Seichem, Karuna Reiki, Karuna Ki, Saichim 7 Facet, Extended Seichim Reiki, Isis Seichim, Traditional Japanese Reiki, Raku Kei Reiki, Atlatis Healing System, etc.

What is the difference between these Reiki techniques?

They use a different method to attract the Reiki healing energy. They have a bit different techniques and symbols. Many styles are different from the original Usui Reiki.

What are Reiki Symbols?

They are tools to direct energy to work for a certain purpose.

Is Reiki open to everyone?

Yes everyone can be initiated into Reiki. If you receive all four Level 1 Initiations you will have Reiki in your hands for life.

Can I treat myself with Reiki?

Yes. Again, if you received your Reiki I initiations, by laying on your hands on your body you can enjoy all the benefits of Reiki. Self-healing will re-balance and center your body-mind-spirit connection.

How can one be attuned to Reiki?

Reiki attunements are received from a Reiki Master who is channeling/passing Reiki frequencies/energy into the initiates aura/energy body.

Can Reiki be used on animals and plants?

Animals respond faster to Reiki than humans. Plants also respond well, because they are living energy fields that can be out of balance.

Can Reiki be used with other therapies?

Yes. It can be combined with other complementary therapies very successfully. Reiki will enhance their effects. It can also be used to complement the health care you receive in hospitals or other health care providers.

Are there any sensations during or after the Reiki treatment?

It depends on the individual. You might not feel anything, but this does not mean that Reiki is not working . On the other hand, you might have sensations during or after the treatment such as: heat, cold, tingling, buzzing, relaxation, sleepiness, or other.  It may happen also that the symptoms worsen after the treatment, but just for a short period of time, after which you will feel wonderful.  It is important to drink lots of water to aid the cleansing of the body.